Saturday, April 4, 2020

Question Bank Physiology by Dr. Vidhin Kamble Department of Zoology. Sangola College, Sangola

Question Bank

B.Sc-III                                                                        Sem. VI

Short answer question                                                 
1)             Definition of digestion
2)             Physiological response of Yoga on respiration
3)             Protein as nutritional requirement
4)             Draw neat labeled diagram of neuron.
5)             Chemical composition of gastric juice.
6)             Intestinal juice.
7)             Hb.
8)             Glyconeogenesis
9)             Synaps
10)        Skeletal muscle
11)        Trans amination  
12)        Ultra-filtration
13)        Physiological role of Vit. C.
14)        Chemical composition of Urine.
15)        Diastolic blood pressure
16)        Nephrons
17)        Sarcomere
18)        Composition of bile
19)        ECG
20)        Stress physiology
21)        glycogensis
22)        Vitamin –K
23)        Chloride shift
24)        Gastric juice
25)        Ornitine cycle
26)        Muscle protein
27)        Chloride shift.
28)        Pace maker
29)        Retinol
30)        Selective re-absorption

Write answer of the following                                       For 4 Marks    
1.              ECG
2.              Fat soluble vit.
3.              Kreb cycle
4.              Ultrastrucuture of malhpghian body
5.              The sources and importance of Vit. D.
6.              Cardiac cycle
7.              Managing stress by exercise yoga and meditation
8.              Origin and conduction of heart beat.
9.              Muscle contraction.
10.         Deamination
11.         Dialysis
12.         Cardiac cycle
13.         GRF
14.         Ureotelism
15.         Impulse
16.         Cardiac out put
17.         Resting potential
18.         BP

. Describe Kreb cycle in  detail.                                            
2.     Explain the process of glycolysis
3.     Describe intestinal digestion            
4.     Describe physiology of urine formation
5 . Explain the molecular mechanism of muscle contraction
6. Transmission of nerve impulse through non-mylinated neuron. 
7. Describe sources and importance of water soluble vitamin.
8.     Explain in detail  β- oxidation
9. Role of pancreatic juice in digestion
10.   Transmission of nerve impulse through mylenated neuron.
11. Structure of neurons.

Gives answer of the following                                               
1.              Explain Glycolysis in detail.
2.              What is synaps? Explain mechanism of Synaptic transmission.
3.              What is sarcomere? Explain sliding filament theory
4.              What is digestion? Describe gastric digestion.
5.              Explain the process of urine formation.
6.              What is glycolysis? Explain along with flow chart.  Glysocysis.
7.              What is respiration? Describe role of Bhors effect in respiration.  
8.              Explain Beta- oxidation
9.              Describe the Hamburger’s phenomenon.
10.         Explain Mechanism of Transport of respiratory gasses . .
11.         Explain Counter current mechanism.
12.         How to manage stress.

Q5. Gives answer of the following.                                        
1.              Describe origin and conduction of heart beat.
2.              Explain simple muscle twitch.
3.              Explain role of Hb in respiration.
4.              Describe various  excretory products.  
5.              Explain Mechanism of ultra-filtration

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