Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Physiology of Nerve - MCQ - Question Bank- Zoology


 Physiology of Nerve  

         Question Bank- Zoology

1.      --------------- is the functional unit of nervous system.

a.       Nephrons

b.      Sarcomere

c.       Neuron

d.      Serrtoli  cells

2.      Muscles of body are supplied with----------

a.        Sensory nerve

b.      Mixed nerve

c.       Motor nerve

d.      None of above

3.      Cell body of neuron is also known as --------

a.       Dendrites

b.      Soma

c.       Axon

d.      Teladendron

4.      Branched processes arrases from cell body are -------

a.       Dendrites

b.      Teladendron

c.       Axon

d.      Synaptic knob

5.      The nerve cells that are activated by sensory input from the environment are------

a.     Mixed nerve

b.    Sensory nerve

c.     Motor nerve

d.    Pseudo nerve.

6.      Contact points between the axon terminals on one side and dendrites or cell bodies on  the other is termed -----

a.     connection

b.    junction

c.     transformation

d.    synapse

7.      The release of chemical messengers in the synapse is called ----------

a.       Neurotransmitter

b.      Activator

c.       Generator

d.      Inhibiter

8.      ---------------- is the of neurotransmitter substance in neuron.

a.       Acetylcholine.

b.      Noradrenaline

c.       Histamine

d.      All of above

9.      The junction between the axon terminal of one neuron and the dendrite terminal of the other neuron is---------------

a.      connection

b.     junction

c.      synapse.

d.     joint

10.   A small gap present between pre-synaptic and post synaptic membrane is called --------------

a.      Synaptic space

b.     Hollow space

c.      synaptic cleft

d.     cleft

11.  The depolarization of neuron results in ----------------

a.       reverse osmosis

b.      an action potential

c.       homeostasis

d.      equilibrium

12.  -----------------results in an action potential which causes the nerve impulse to move along the length of the axon.

a.  re-polarization

b.  depolarization

c. re-polarized state

e. initiation

     13.  The ---------------------  ions are present in extra cellular fluid of neuron

a. potassium

b. magnesium

c. sodium

d. chloride

14. In resting neuron positive charge on outer side of axon is due to -----------------

a. potassium

b. magnesium

c. sodium

d. chloride

15. In resting neuron negative charge on inner side of axon is due to -----------------

a. potassium

b. magnesium

c. sodium

d. chloride

16. Change in electric charge along axon resulted in ------------

a. inhibition

b. action potential

c. resting potential

d. restoration

 17.  The region between two successive Schwann cells is called  -----------------


b. space

c. node of Ranvier

d. synaptic cleft

18.   Neurosecretary substance secreted by synaptic vesicle is ---------------

a.       Adrenalin

b.      Acetylcholine

c.       Epinephrine

d.      Insulin.

19.  --------------- is the functional unit of nervous system.

e.       Nephrons

f.       Sarcomere

g.      Neuron

h.      Serrtoli  cells

20.  Muscles of body are supplied with----------

e.        Sensory nerve

f.       Mixed nerve

g.      Motor nerve

h.      None of above

21.  Cell body of neuron is also known as --------

e.       Dendrites

f.       Soma

g.      Axon

h.      Teladendron

22.  Branched processes arrases from cell body are -------

e.       Dendrites

f.       Teladendron

g.      Axon

h.      Synaptic knob

23.  The nerve cells that are activated by sensory input from the environment are------

e.     Mixed nerve

f.     Sensory nerve

g.    Motor nerve

h.     Pseudo nerve.

24.  Contact points between the axon terminals on one side and dendrites or cell bodies on the other is termed -----

e.     connection

f.     junction

g.    transformation

h.     synapse

25.  The release of chemical messengers in the synapse is called ----------

e.       Neurotransmitter

f.       Activator

g.      Generator

h.      Inhibiter

26.  ---------------- is the of neurotransmitter substance in neuron.

e.       Acetylcholine.

f.       Noradrenaline

g.      Histamine

h.      All of above

27.  The junction between the axon terminal of one neuron and the dendrite terminal of the other neuron is---------------

e.      connection

f.       junction

g.     synapse.

h.     joint

28.   A small gap present between pre-synaptic and post synaptic membrane is called --------------

e.      Synaptic space

f.       Hollow space

g.     synaptic cleft

h.     cleft

29.  The depolarization of neuron results in ----------------

e.       reverse osmosis

f.       an action potential

g.      homeostasis

h.      equilibrium

30.  -----------------results in an action potential which causes the nerve impulse to move along the length of the axon.

a.  re-polarization

b.  depolarization

c. re-polarized state

e. initiation

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